Friday, March 21, 2014

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring!!!

You guys!! It literally has been a week since I last posted.  I have a very good excuse though.  I promise

You see... the stomach bug is basically the gift that keeps on giving in my house hold.  First a couple kids got it, then my parents got it, and after thinking I was in the clear.. it crept up ATTACKED me! That was late Sunday night, and it is now late Thursday night and I am still not 100%.  I feel blah still and am glad to be off work tomorrow. 

I could say this week has flown by, but that would totally be a lie.  Work has been super stressful since I have been back, but it wouldn't be "work" if it wasn't stressful, right???  It is basically a same shit different day situation, but I am grateful for it regardless.  

But today was the first day of Spring!  I couldn't think of a better way of approaching a long awaited day off that I have tomorrow.  If the weather permits it should be spent outside for sure.  At the very least windows open to feel the fresh air breezing through the house.  I love Spring.. the weather is amazing.. usually.. Unfortunately, in Las Vegas we typically only get like two weeks of Spring before the weather starts to get horribly hot and ridiculous.  #Desertproblems  

So in honor of it being the first day of Spring I thought I would list my 6 Favorite Things about Spring.. and I would love to hear from my readers in the comments below your 6 favorites... To see if we have some in common.  

So here it goes.. 

1.  The Weather.. I wish it was like it year round.. basically between the 70's and 80's! #southerncaliforniagirlwantshersoutherncaliforniaweatherback

2.  Flowers.. the Aroma in the air.. amazing!!!

3.  Spring Colors:  These are the trends this year (obviously), I think I like them.  Light colors, pastels.  I especially love the blues-y purple colors. 

4.  I know this is random, but Fruit tastes sooo good!  My favorite is Strawberries!!

5.  The Rain
Not that we actually see much in Vegas, but I enjoy when it is around, and when I hear it rains back home in Southern California, I just smile.. and get a little jealous! 

6.  It means summer is just around the corner!! Whatever you have going on in your life, Summer inherently just seems so much less stress inducing than any other season! I mean, don't ya think? I mean what can you not love about Summer.. Flip flops are the most acceptable form of footwear, swimming, laying out, getting tan and relaxing, amongst other things.  

Okay so I guess that was only five things.. we all know that last one is a cheat. haha! 

Welcome to Spring Everyone & Happy Friday!!

Peace & Love 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Veronica Mars Movie: Marshmellows Unite!!

So I wrote this blog in two parts. Before I saw the movie and after... I also started it on Friday and finished it today, being Sunday because after the movie I was exhausted, and then on Saturday my parents were really sick and I spent the day helping out with the kids & then going to work. So by the time I got around to writing this it was after mdnight (Sunday). 

Today is the day all Veronica Mars fans have been waiting for.. It is March 14th, Friday, Pi, Day.. but most importantly the day the Veronica Mars Movie comes out in theaters. Hells Yeah! Ever since they started the Kickstarter campaign to get the movie going I have been squealing with excitement over it!  And today that day has finally come and and I am sooo excited to go see it!  Ten years in the making for a show that should have never been cancelled when it was in the first place.  I am so hyped on seeing it.  To see where all the characters ended up and who will Veronica ultimately choose, Logan, or Piz.  To hear the famous We Used to Be Friends Theme Song once again.  I can hear the song in my head as I type, and I cannot help but hum it.

To be perfectly honest the Veronica Mars show was an important part of my teenage years.  My Mom and I watched it every week together and it was one of the shows along with Gilmore Girls that gave us Mother-Daughter time, and I really feel like it helped her and I become how close we are, and eventually turned my Mom into my bestest friend! If you are reading this, I love you Mom!! I am so glad we share this show together and the memories/insidejokes we have because of it!! =)  Her ringtone for when she calls me is the theme song for crying out loud haha.. The Dandy Warhals: We Use to Be Friends 

Below is the youtube link the the song.. take listen and comment below what you think of the song, as well the as the rest of the post. =)

The Dandy Warhals: We Use to Be Friends

Okay but seriously though, despite the fact that I guess they are counting this as an "indie" movie, why the heck would they not have it open in my more theatres.. Albeit worth it to drive across town to go see it at an AMC theatres, but it still is irritating because it should be in sooo many more theatres.. As par usual they are underestimating this franchises power! #justsayin 

Sooo excited!! Saw the movie and it was amazing! it was everything I thought it was going to be and more!!! 10 years ago the show hit our airwaves and 7 years ago it was cancelled.. But today it was all about what had happened since the show ended. Questions were answered and a few were kind of raised.. Which is why I will be reading the follow up book that I already pre ordered from amazon weeks ago in anticipation of the movie coming out. 
I am seriously fan girling out about this movie.  Wishing I could see it in theaters again.  I am totally going to purchase it on DVD when it comes out. Told my Mom that before we even got out of the theater. lol. It really meant a lot to me to see the movie and for it to come out in the first place.  I was soo happy I got to see it with my Mom too.  And laugh at the inside jokes brought over from the tv show that like I said was cancelled wayyy tooo soon.

BTW I went to work today and neither of my co-workers knew about Veronica Mars, or the tv channel UPN lol.. I am not gonna lie it made me feel super duper old, and especially lame that I know all of this random information.  Espeically because Veronica Mars started out on UPN and then transferred to the CW network (which, lets be honest here is basically just a re-tooled WB channel) #kindaobvious 

Gosh I just wanna type all about the movie but I dont wanna give anything at all away to anyone who reads my blog who is planning on seeing the movie and just hasn't seen it yet.  I don't wanna spoil anything for anyone... For Veronica Mars fans who are going to see the movie, I will say this, it is like an hour and 40 minute episode in the best way possible.   Veronica also finally chooses who she wants to be with #teampiz or #teamlogan  I knew beforehand who I was rooting for and I was not disappointed by the ending! =) 

And if you had not heard expect lots of random celebrity cameos.  Some of them are like laugh/cry inducing.  #seriouslytho  

All in all the movie was exactly what I was hoping for and more, and I am so excited to read the novel that I pre-ordered called "Thousand Dollar Tan Line" by Veronica Mars creator/writer..  It basically starts off where the movie ends which is really exciting, so there is more story to look forward too.  If the movie does well I feel like they need to bring the show back, I know that is a long shot but it was amazing and really has become a cult classic at this point and really should be re looked at for tv.

Do any of you guys, my readers know about the show Veronica Mars, watched it, going to see or saw the movie? I can't imagine I am the only one at my work who has even heard of the show.  

P.S. I totally am saving my Veronica Mars ticket stub haha! #sorrynotsorry #itsnotweirdatalltosaveticketstubs 


Peace & Love

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Back to Work...

So ladies and gents' I just completed my first week back to work since I had surgery.  The first day was a little rocky because I had to remember and get use to my work routine again.  I felt so awkward and I had to just go with it.  It is so crazy how just one month off could render me work stupid! lol.. We had a really good week though. We made our goals and hit our targets... It felt really good to come back so strong! 

I was sooo excited to see my co-workers too! I missed them so much while I was gone! It felt good to catch up with them and get back into our co-worker groove again.  There was so much to do this week, and  although I was suppose to take it easy; well we all know that did not happen, and I worked my ass off. Clearly there should be no doubt how committed I am to my job!  

Its so weird, but I was really excited to get back into the swing of things at work.  I really missed working, and being and work and interacting with my co-workers and especially customers.  You really don't realize how much you are going to miss it, and by "it" I mean talking to so many people and interacting with the general public five days a week.  

After the initial first day I was back to the normal "working Molly".  I made mental lists of what I wanted to get done and what I thought needed to get done and I met all my goals of things to get done which was amazing! 

I know I am just in the "honeymoon stage" practically at work again because I was gone for so long, so this spring I have in my step going to work and being there all day and just actually performing my job; I am sure will slowly dissipate.  It is kind of funny actually. haha. its kind of like a relationship, which is ironic because I have always said my job has been my longest and most successful relationship to date. 

So aside from work I have still been struggling with some sort of stomach bug.  If this continues longer than a few more days I am probably going to see the doctor because something is obviously wrong.  But I am trying to believe that its no big deal.  Just another part of my body reacting to the surgery.  I don't think that is too far fetched.. Right?

I hope everyone had a great week!

Hope you get a good laugh out of this!  #truestory #thestruggleisreal 

Peace & Love

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My Lately List..

A fellow blogger, whose blog I read (akupofkatie), posted this today with her responses, and I thought it was kinda cool so I decided to copy it and post it to my blog with my responses.

COOKING- anything that involves the microwave
SIPPING- 7up. I am not a soda person, but it has been my go to lately
READING- blogs
LISTENING the Voice on tv.. #teamadam
WANTING- an actual good nights sleep
WATCHING- The Voice (obviously!), I am a sucker for my Real Housewives and Kardashians, & Pretty Little Liars!
WAITING to not be so sore from surgery. hopefully I am fully healed soon!
ATTEMPTING to get back into the swing of things at work. Routine is key.
LIKING my Lava Lamp. I just sit and watch it haha. 
HOPING I will be able to find love again someday
NEEDING to unpack the rest of my stuff
TRYING to move on with my life
WEARING pajamas. my go to relaxation and sleep clothes.
LOVING hair accessories. obsessed lately
PLANNING my Divorce Party
MISSING my Aunt Eileen
MAKING new friends & memories
NOTICING My siblings growing up. 
LAUGHING my ass off. 
ADMIRING my Mom. the strongest and most loving woman I know. I love her so much!
BUYING headbands from Charming Charlie. 
DISLIKING the Stomach Bug that I have had since Friday
FOLLOWING +TheEllenShow She is amazing! #oscars2014 #selfieofthecentury
FEELING glad I am Cancer free. the Tumor was benign 

Humor me with your responses in my comments or in any of your social media outlets! =)

Peace & Love

Weekend Wrap Up!

Yeah I know technically it is Tuesday already, but who cares.  How was everyone's weekend? I started mine sick.  Of course because it was a big weekend I would feel crappy.  Still feeling under the weather, but hopefully it will be better tomorrow. I have some sort of stomach bug.  

On Saturday it was my Moms Birthday! Happy Birthday to my Mom!! (March 1st) I love you so much Mom, and I hope you had amazing birthday! Thank you so much for always being their for me through everything I have been through.  You are the most amazing Mom person in the whole world! I don't know what I would do without you!! XOXO <3333

Only because it WAS my Moms  birthday did I get out of bed.  The whole family went down to Town Square and dined at Millers Ale House.  It was a nice place and wish I could have enjoyed it more but I was feeling so cruddy that I was mostly miserable.  I ordered a Potato Soup in a Breadbowl and it was actually really yummy! When my Mom walked away from the table my Dad let our waiter know it was my Moms Birthday so when we were done eating he brought out a huge brownie and ice cream concoction with whipped cream and nuts and of course a cherry on top (which is the only part of it I ate)!  After dessert my Mom opened the presents we had gotten her! We did good. She loved everything she got!  All came from Charming Charlie.. Wish is still my fave place to shop right now!! 

Here are a few pics from my Moms Birthday!!

Potato Soup in a Breadbowl

Gave my Dad one job to do... #blurrymuch

My Sisters Birthday Card to our Mom

My Mom posing with all her birthday presents!
Scarf, earrings, and necklace. (she also got 2 bracelets and another scarf)

Restaurant menu


the best photo I could get from these two! My brother and sister!

Saturday came and went and it was Sunday.. Time to go back to work after being off for 25 days.  It felt a little hectic, but it went okay.  It was pretty much a normal work day, but it just felt a tiny bit off because I have to build back up the routine.  I was soooo sore when I got home.  I had such a problem walking after I had laid down for awhile.  My feet were like nope were done.  haha.. Gotta get use to be being back on my feet for longer periods of time and moving around a lot more.  Rough start physically.

I was off today, which I was sooooo thankful for because I was so tired and still sore from my first day back.  I am still feeling icky from my stomach bug and from the surgery as well, so it was nice to have another day to rest and relax.  Back to work on a normal schedule tomorrow. 

Off to bed readers...

Peace & Love