Friday, October 31, 2014

Finish This #27: All About Halloween!

Welcome back to another week of the link-up Finish This! Hosted by 4 amazing ladies: Nicole, Jen, Lisa, & Becky! It is Week 43, but my week 27 of the link up!  The link up instructions are simple: answer the prompts on your blog. Then, add the post to the collection list using the link below. Next week’s prompts are located at the bottom of this post as well!

Here are my responses to this weeks prompts!

As a kid, my favorite Halloween costume was... 

I was Belle from Beauty & the Beast one year for Halloween, which was a huge departure for me because for some reason almost every year I was a kid I was some form of a witch.  One year I was Pebbles from the Flinstones, and a Spice Girl, but I couldn't find pictures of either. It is so funny because I was almost never into the Disney movies and what not.. definitely was never a girly princess type.. I love Belle though, and I especially love this costume because it was this big yellow gown type costume.. I also love this picture because it is with my Grandma and she was one of my favorite people in the whole world, and every time I miss her I look at this picture and just think of her and smile!

As an adult, I celebrate Halloween by... working.. This has been the first year in like almost six years that I have been able to be home for Halloween and celebrate.. I have always either been working or doing homework for college, or even both.  I got off work early enough this year though, in fact I specifically scheduled myself that way so I can could come home and go trick or treating with my parents and all the kiddos.  We had a good time dressing up and going around the neighborhood trick or treating from house to house.  the bags were filling up quick, they were even too heavy for my three year old brother to carry haha. I put a hair of elephant ears on and wore a gray sweater and that was the extent of my costume haha!

My favorite candy is...

I will let the picture speak for itself, because I mean how can you not love this candy! it's so delicious!!

Thanks for stopping by, and.... 
Here is the link to add your own post to the link! Finish This Link Up!
And don't fret if you don't have a blog, just add your responses in my comment section below! Happy Blogging! 

Prompts or Week 44 (November 5th)
_____ makes me smile because
I put my trust
I don’t

Peace & Love

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Work Stress

Sooo, I have been at the same job for close to six years, and do not get me wrong, I honestly wouldn't have it any other way because it has been the most stable thing in my life.  It has seen me through so much, like college, cancer, falling in love, getting married, divorced and that was in between.  My workplace has been like my second home for all these years, being I have been spent more time there than my own home or anywhere else for that matter.  I have made it through six years of the revolving door of co-workers coming in and out, and even making a few friends out of some of them, that have become like a second family to me... Lately though a lot as been going on at my work.  It has become extremely overwhelming for me, both emotionally and physically, and sometimes I wonder if it is even worth it or not.  I work so incredibly hard all the time that on my days off I can barely function because I am so tired and sore, being on my feet for 8 to 12 hrs a day five days a week, it takes a toll on the body.  I can barely walk after my work days, and then my days off are spent sleeping in and spending the day in bed watching tv and getting nothing accomplished, and then half the time I have like a late afternoon nap too lol.  I have less time to do the things that I love, and that have been positive hobbies for me as of late, including blogging.  I have had so many ideas for blog posts, like "thursday thoughts" and "my top 10 lists" that I have not even been able to finish , as well as not being able to post about my brothers 21st birthday last month... My time doesn't even feel like my own anymore, and it feels kind of sucky.  Like is this really what I want? Is it really worth it?  Nothing is set in stone with my job right now, but I know whatever happens I will make it work, because I appreciate and need my job too much.. In my heart of hearts, I love my job and will stay at it for as long as they will have me.  It just has become a lot lately and I am like I said super overwhelmed!  
The question I pose to my readers is this, how do you deal with work stress, or even stress in general?  Coping mechanisms?  I am doing whatever I know to do to try and deal with it, but sometimes my coping skills don't work, and I just don't know what to do and I have these mental breakdowns! I just don't want all this overwhelming stress (that I feel could possibly be worth it in the end) to just break me to the point that really don't feel like it is worth it and I just give up and up and quit.  Especially after all these years and everything that I have been through and have done to get to this point at my job. 
 I am sure I am not alone in these feelings... and I know my work stress is nothing special, its normal, but the word that I keep using is just OVERWHELMING. help! lol.. 

I hope everyone is having a great weekend, and especially your work situation isn't as stressful right now as mine is currently... && I am so excited for Halloween next Friday.. I am going trick or treating with all the little ones, get ready for a special Halloween blog post next weekend!! 

Peace & Love

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Finish This #26!!

Welcome back to another week of the link-up Finish This! Hosted by 4 amazing ladies: Nicole, Jen, Lisa, & Becky! It is Week 42, but my week 26 of the link up!  The link up instructions are simple: answer the prompts on your blog. Then, add the post to the collection list using the link below. Next week’s prompts are located at the bottom of this post as well!

Here are my responses to this weeks prompts!

It took me a long time to realize... I am really struggling with this question, more so than others... Mostly because I am still trying to come to terms with some things.  With my divorce and everything, I am still reeling from those emotions and thoughts, and having a hard time with it as much as I am trying to really move past it.  I guess I am still trying to realize my potential in my work situation and having confidence in my self.. So I guess this is kind of a work in progress kind of thing. 

I surround myself with... my family & close friends.  In the end they are all I have in this world that I can count on! I love them more than anything! They love me for who I am, they keep me happy and smiling even through the darkest of times. I wouldn't be the person I am today without the people I have chosen to surround myself with!

Thanks for stopping by, and.... 
Here is the link to add your own post to the link!  Finish This Link Up!
And don't fret if you don't have a blog, just add your responses in my comment section below! Happy Blogging! 

Prompts or Week 43 (October 29th)
As a kid, my favorite Halloween costume was
As an adult, I celebrate Halloween by
My favorite candy is

Peace & Love

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Finish This #25!!

Welcome back to another week of the link-up Finish This! Hosted by 4 amazing ladies: Nicole, Jen, Lisa, & Becky! It is Week 41, but my week 25 of the link up!  The link up instructions are simple: answer the prompts on your blog. Then, add the post to the collection list using the link below. Next week’s prompts are located at the bottom of this post as well!

Here are my responses to this weeks prompts!

I feel like a bad-ass when... I am able to mark off all the items on my mental to do list at work- work as been super stressful lately, lots of changes, and some of the things on my "to do" list are harder than others and literally when I have gotten them done without shutting down and freaking out I have just been like boo ya! I feel all powerful lol! 

One thing that always cheers me up... My little brother Ryder.  He is my everything! His face, his smile, his laugh.  I wake up and he is there smiling at me, waiting for me to say hi to him, and I come home from work and he is just waiting to hang out with me.. He is the happiest almost 14 month old I know! I love him more than anything in this world.  He is even the picture on my lock screen! His hugs are the best! I mean c'mon isn't he the cutest?

The quote I live by... 

Thanks for stopping by, and.... Finish This Link Up!
Here is the link to add your own post to the link! 
And don't fret if you don't have a blog, just add your responses in my comment section below! Happy Blogging! 

Prompts or Week 42 (October 22th)
It took me a long time to realize
I surround myself with

Peace & Love

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Finish This #24!!

Welcome back to another week of the link-up Finish This! Hosted by 4 amazing ladies: Nicole, Jen, Lisa, & Becky! It is Week 40, but my week 24 of the link up!  The link up instructions are simple: answer the prompts on your blog. Then, add the post to the collection list using the link below. Next week’s prompts are located at the bottom of this post as well!

Here are my responses to this weeks prompts!

I can change the world by... by being the best possible version of myself, and spreading love, compassion, and understanding.  Even the smallest gesture or an idea or choice can change the world- not maybe the whole world, but your world- every choice has a consequences good and bad and in that way it does change the world in a way I guess.  Everyone living and breathing and working, etc, is changing the world each and every day, whether its for the positive or the negative.  It is such a hard question to answer.  

The best career advice I ever received...  Do what you love.  The second you stop loving what you do is the day you find a new job, or career path.  It is kind of a work related way of trying to not overstay your welcome.  I have had moments where I thought I was done with my job, but then I got lucky enough to have a restart and it changed how I viewed it.  Sidebar: been at my job for almost six years! 

I first fell in love... I have only fallen into true love once, and that was with my ex husband, and it is still so hard for me to talk about him and that whole time because of how it ended, but I have discussed our relationship, and its unraveling in a past blog post if you wanna give it a read here: "The Story" One thing I will say is that with everything that I went through with that relationship, I don't for a second regret it because at least I knew what it felt like to fall in love and be in love and happy, to have a first love, that I thought was going to be my only love.  When it was good, it was amazing.  

Thanks for stopping by, and.... Finish This Link Up!
Here is the link to add your own post to the link! 
And don't fret if you don't have a blog, just add your responses in my comment section below! Happy Blogging! 

Prompts or Week 41 (October 15th)
I feel like a bad-ass when
One thing that always cheers me up
The quote I live by

Peace & Love

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Family Time!

I had the luck of having the past two days off of work so I did a lot of relaxing, and sleeping, and watching tv... but it also gave me time to hang out with my loved ones! I got to chill on the couch and take cute pics with Ryder, he loves the camera haha, I got to see Ryder chase after Cooper in his walker through the pics my sister took of them, and I also got to have a sister date  and mom & daughter date with my mommy.. It was a glorious couple of days, I wish they did not have to end! 

Selfies/Photo-fun with Ryder P aka Puppy Bite, love this kid more than anything! he is so cute, and growing up more every day! I wish he could stay this small forever! Just the best lil love bug ever! <333

My sister, Nicole, also got a few snaps of Cooper T aka Turtle, and Ryder playing outside.. super cute photos!

Last night, I decided spur of the moment (as usual) to take my sister for one of our monthly "Sister Dates", to Sugar Factory inside of Town Square, since I have been there a few times already and she has heard me talk it up for months lol.. And although she can not par-take in the goblet drinking, we still had a great time and she loved the place! We had dessert- berry crepes, cookie jar sundae, frozen hot chocolate, and I had a Gummi Beat Goblet.. soo much fun just chilling with my sister and enjoying the ambiance, and eating our food! It was sooo hard to finish my goblet this time though haha! I didnt catch a picture of it but I got my sister good, I smeared whipped cream on her face, and cracked myself up while doing it. I seriously grabbed a little to eat, and then instead just when wahh and got her in the face with it instead! lol We're sisters, its what we do, right? I also took the obligatory selfies in Sugar Factory's bathroom, because I really like their lighting lol.. 

The last event of my two day mini vaca off work was having a lunch date hang out with my amazing Mommy! We had a little bit of a scare last week.. She had to have a minor procedure that gave me so much anxiety, on top of everything else that was going on last week, and I cannot thank the guardian angels above for protecting my Mom, and keeping her well.  Everything is okay now, but it was super scary at the time, and I seriously don't know what I would do without her! 

So I have been trying to take my Mom to this cute restaurant for weeks now, and we have just not had the time to go.. I finally was able to take her out to a nice lunch today.  We went to this little casual restaurant called "the Mac Shack" out on Durango and Warm Springs- Rhoade Ranch area. They have an awesome lunch special for 7.99- you choose your own pasta/sauce and either a salad or soup, a breadstick and drink! Such a good deal, for pretty decent amount of food, and sooo delicious at that!  I loved getting to just have a casual conversation with my Mom without all the kids around or the dogs barking in the background.  Just one on one.. It was so nice and calm and quiet!  We had a great time, and she loved the place!!! Special thank you to my friend Whitney for bringing me there a few weeks ago for lunch, and totally introducing me to now one of my fav places to eat now! Thank you for coming to lunch with me one, I love you with all my heart, and I so enjoyed our time together today!

Goodbye September, and Hello October!!! So excited for the weather, the fashion (hoodies/boots), and my Starbucks drinks turning from Frappes, to Hot Pumpkin Spice and Peppermint Mochas!

Cheers everyone!!! This is how I am ending my two days off!

Peace & Love