Last week was one of the most hellish weeks for my family. It was beyond stressful and emotionally exhausting. You see my parents foster baby "Puppy Bite", with whom we are going to eventually adopt, he is Turtles younger brother, and only 8 months old was very sick and ended up in the hospital multiple times over the course of seven days. It was so hard trying to stay strong for my parents who were absolute wrecks. I would try to fall apart when I was alone, so I did not put those feelings on my already beyond upset parents.
Let me start from the beginning.. He had a cold a week ago 2 Sundays ago, but we did not realize how bad it really was, and the next morning he was rushed on a stretcher from his doctors appt across the way to the ER (his dr. is in a medical building adjacent to the hospital).. He was on 100% oxygen and was not breathing well and just crying and very sick. Through tests it became clear that he had RSV... What is RSV you ask?
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a common and highly contagious virus that infects the respiratory tract of most children before their second birthday. For most babies and young children the infections causes nothing more than a cold, but a small percentage with the infection develop more serious problems including Bronchiolitis (which Puppy had), that is an inflammation of the small airways of the lungs, and even cause Pneumonia. Any and all of these can be life threatening.
Unfortunately, Puppy has become part of that small percentage of RSV cases that has also caused Pneumonia. During his second stint in the hospital they found it out, and should have never sent him home in the first place and immediately put him on breathing treatments and antibiotics. After a few days back in the hospital on the antibiotics Puppy started to improve and was starting to get back to his old happy smiley self. At the beginning of the week and even through Wednesday and Thursday he had been on 100% Oxygen and over a few days was weaned lower and lower off of it until he was able to completely breathe on his own and stay at high 02 levels. And finally after a week of doctors appts, that led to 2 hospital stays, and multiple x-rays and oxygen and IV's, Puppy was finally ready and well enough to come home.
We all were so happy have to have him home and it felt like all the #prayersforpuppy had finally been answered. He is doing soooo well! He will still have to see a lung specialist and follow up every so often just to make sure he does not get this bad ever again!
If I didn't believe it before, I believe it now that there is so much power in Prayer and Positive Thinking. It doesn't matter to me who are what you pray to because it totally worked and Puppy is really on the mend this time, and I feel like all the prayers and positive thoughts are what really made the difference!
Throughout the entire week I was asking for prayers on behalf of the baby and the outpouring of love and support from my friends and extended family was amazing! To my friends and family that were there to support us during this difficult time, I just want to say thank you all so much! It was/is so appreciative and I will never forget it. It meant the world to me and I am sure it meant a lot to my Parents.
It was such a roller-coaster of a week and that is why I have been so MIA from the blog. But I was active on all my social media outlets- i.e. Facebook and Instagram. So I figured I would just basically post everything that I posted throughout the entire time this was going on.
Very hard to tell.. but we got the nurses to call him Puppy.. so we put it on the hospital room board lol.. (when he ended up back the hospital in a different room, we did the same thing)
This was from his first room when everyone thought he just had RSV.. and then let him go home before he was well enough...
#prayerforpuppy was my go to hashtag for the week.. and I was so happy to have those prayers answered! how cute is this little guy.. even in the hospital!
truth be told I am a serious emotional/stress eater... but I really tried to stay good the whole time and not binge eat and just eat a bunch of crap.. but I did indulge in this bad boy.. #Jackinthebox #OreoShake
My Mom loves this little guy so much and was so happy he was home!!
Puppy is back to normal self.. and he is almost through with his meds and he is doing so well! I cannot get enough of this little face and this sweet angel boy!! I love him so much and I am so happy he is home so I can love on him and play with him. And you can just tell he is so happy to be home and back with his family!
To my amazing and loving parents. You are the strongest people I know. Yes you hard your moments of weakness, and who wouldn't given the situation, but you really handled the situation as well as anyone could. You are the best parents to this little guy and to the rest of us kids. I love you Mom & Dad.. you are my strength.. always!! XOXO
Peace & Love
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