Monday, June 9, 2014

Finish This #7!!

Welcome back to another exciting weekly edition of "Finish This".  I cannot believe this is already week seven for me!  If you are still new around here  Finish This is a blog Link-up I joined that is co-hosted by four fabulous ladies.  Each week they provide the prompts and we literally finish the sentence with our responses.  If you are not new around here, than I am glad to welcome you back as well.  I am excited you have liked what you have read so far and keep coming back for me. 

So I guess I lied.  About what you ask?? Well... last week I had said I would not be sooo tardy with this post, but life got in the way...again, like it always seems to do.  Reasons being some work stress, but mostly because I got struck by a super bad case of the stomach flu, that I am still battling right now, in fact I have barely ate anything in days besides strawberry popsicles and 7up.  Im still very weak and still trying to re-regulate my body with all my medications and get back into trying to eat.  I have had no appetite for days.. So between this horrible Las Vegas Heat and the stomach flu, I am kind of miserable.  To top it off my computer is on the fritz.  Cooling fans, not working and what not so part of this post was written on my phone.  I thank the lord I have a tech savvy brother who is currently trying to fix my laptop. Fingers crossed..   

          So now that I am done rambling, here is what you actually came here to read about..

                               My Finish This Responses!

I conquer fear … I wish I could say by tackling it head on. But usually that is not the case.  Even though I know running away from fear is counter-productive and eventually you have to face what you are afraid of so why not sooner, rather than later. I honestly try not to venture out of my comfort zone, mostly because of all my anxieties, but when I do I find that having a buddy always helps especially when it is actually something actually scary. Like I am super afraid of heights and you could pay me to get on an airplane, but give me some good sedatives or even better have my best friend by my side and maybe just maybe.. But no promises.. I am not good at conquering my fears if you couldnt tell. 

I follow my heart … when I believe it is the right thing to do.  If I see a person in need I know in my heart it is the right thing to do to help them.  For example, one of my brothers friends got kicked out of his house about four years ago, and of course I was not going to let him go homeless, so I moved into my apartment with my husband and I got him a job at my work and got him a new cell phone plan through our work.  For awhile my, now ex-husband and I were paying for his food and what not as well.  His family was actually kind of sort of family friends, so I knew him before, but we were not like friends or anything. All these years that I have been helping him out, my parents have been very against it, because they felt I was being taken advantage of.  Which at times I was, but I have put boundaries on stuff, and our relationship is different now anyways.  Now we are friends and I pretty much see him as a brother.  He has been there through everything that happened with my ex-husband too, so he has seen me and my best and worst.  So when I needed help with paying some of my bills and what not after the split, he and my brother were both there to help.  Following my heart, in helping a soul in need, in the end, helped me as well!

I feed my soul by … watching over and playing with my soon be baby brother.  He is 9 months old, and once he is 10 months my parents can adopt him. Our faces light up when we see each other and he has a non jaded or cynical look at the world which is so hard to find in this crazy place. Just being in his prescence and watching him and smile and laugh and now learning to crawl and stand up and what not, I cannot help but just smile.. He is the light of my life right now, and it really fills my heart and soul with joy just hanging out with the little guy.  I think I was made to be a Mom, and that is why just being around the kids just feeds my soul.  It warms my heart! I just love kids!

I used to worry about ____ but then I … I use to worry about being alone, but then I realized, I will never actually be alone.  I have family and friends who love and care about me, and they would never actually leave me truly alone.  I know I always have someone I can call or text, and someone I can cry to, and people I can laugh with.  I think because I had lost a lot of family members at a young age and each of those deaths hit me pretty hard.  And then last year when me and my husband split, it was like grieving another loss, it gave me this complex that I was just meant to be alone, or that I was not worthy of having people around me on a consistent basis, or people that loved or cared about me in general.  I know that is not true.  Very skewed thinking for sure.  

Sunday, June 8th was National Best Friends Day as Well! Jennifer is my BFFL.. we have known each other for 21 years and still going strong. she is like a sister to me and constant in my life.. I am forever grateful for everything she has ever done for me and said to me that has helped me in so many ways. 

Thanks for stopping by once again  and come back again next week for another round of Finish This!! 
But now its your turn!! Post your Finish This on your own blog and link it up with all of us!! But dont fret, if you dont have a blog to post on just comment below with your responses.. 

Finish This Link Up!

These prompts are very intetesting, so I cannot wait to read other peoples responses!

Here are next weeks prompts! (June 11)
 The best compliment I ever received …
Wearing red lipstick makes me feel …
The best investment I’ve made …
My best childhood memory …

Peace & Love

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