Friday, September 19, 2014

Finish This #21

Welcome back to another week of the link-up Finish This! Hosted by 4 amazing ladies: Nicole, Jen, Lisa, & Becky! It is Week 37, but my week 21 of the link up!  The link up instructions are simple: answer the prompts on your blog. Then, add the post to the collection list using the link below. Next week’s prompts are located at the bottom of this post as well! 

Here are my responses to this weeks prompts!

I’m the type of person who...  Worries about anything and everything.  I have generalized anxiety disorder, so it is not really my fault.. I seriously worry about anything from being robbed at my work or hit by a car while driving, to family getting sick and dying and I never getting to say goodbye.  I worry about being alone, or that people don't like me.  I unfortunately live my life on the defense.  It is a constant battle that I deal with every day to keep the hardcore anxieties and worries at bay, but it is also something I am hardcore working on to make better. I also am the type of person who like to take care of others before myself- because I have the nurturing personality as well as all the worries, I want to make sure everyone is taken care of that I love and care about, I hold on tight to those people because I don't trust easy, and I want the ones that are in my life to stay as long as possible and I hold on tight, for fear that they will leave me.

My favorite joke or riddle is... A friend of mine posted this picture to Instagram a couple weeks back and it was a joke and it just stuck with me.. I thought it was hilarious.. so here you go- my favorite joke/riddle right now.. 

Isn't that hilarious! I seriously had a good belly laugh when I read it the first time! 

All that really matters is... Family (including my four legged family members) and good friends that you can count on.  I would also include health in that, but I have never been a healthy girl and it is what is is, and even though it is important is is part of life, and with the good Family & and good Friends it totally makes up for crappy health! I love my family and friends more than anything in this world, and they are responsible for the majority of my happiness and laughter, and help make up the person I am today, and I cannot ever thank them all enough for their unconditional love and support my whole life!

My Family at Ryder's Adoption!

Thanks for stopping by, and.... 
Here is the link to add your own post to the link!  Finish This Link Up!!
And don't fret if you don't have a blog, just add your responses in my comment section below! Happy Blogging! 

Prompts for Week 38 (September 24th)
My relationships thrive because
My favorite piece of advice
My worst habit

Peace & Love

1 comment:

  1. Awww, great family picture and congrats on the adoption. What a blessing to add another loved one! I love the quote about people being in your life and accepting you when you have nothing else to offer but yourself. POWERFUL. Thanks for that little nugget of truth and wisdom!!!!!
