Friday, January 9, 2015

Finish This #36: Resolutions

Welcome back to the blog Link Upers- (not a real word) lol, and fellow bloggers alike... Thanks for following me into the new year!  If you are new around here, this is called "finish this link up". Nicole from Three 31 is our hostess. She provides the prompt(s) and we complete them within our own blogs.  So here we go.. a new year and new link up look!!! Lets do this!!! 

Here is my response to this weeks prompts!

What are your New Years Resolutions/Goals... For as long as I can remember my New Years Resolution was to lose weight- which is like 99% of the worlds resolution every year too.  I have never been able to strongly fulfill that resolution for one reason or another- because lets be honest- I find a reason/excuse to not try as hard as I can.  This year though, I do intend on trying to lose weight.  I am hoping to start the process for Gastric Bypass Surgery.  

A goal of mine is also to get my debt under control by using my tax return to help pay for Bankruptcy.  Unfortunately in my 26 years of life I accumulated a lot of debt- mostly medical because of all the ailments I have had- and I would love to get out from under it all now before I have a family.  I feel like it would be a huge weight off my shoulders- to be caught up money wise.  

Another resolution of mine is to get even more involved in my blogging.  It has been an amazing positive outlet for me, and in the past few months I have let work come in between me and my blog and I am determined to take back my life outside of work- give myself more time for blogging, as well as other hobbies and things that I love- including spending time with my family and friends!

All in all I just hope to have a great 2015- one where I am happier, healthier, and more content with my life in terms of where it is now- how I can make it better, and how I can reach my long term goals career wise and just in life in general..

So goodbye to 2014 and hello 2015.. may you kick ass and rock my world in the most awesome/amazing ways possible!!!

Thank you all for stopping by and reading my responses- if you would like to read more posts or add your own, here is the link:: Finish This 2015! 

Prompt(s) for next week! (January 14th)

Describe, in great detail, your high school prom experience(s)

Peace & Love

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