Monday, February 23, 2015

Finish This #41!

Welcome back to the blog Link Upers- (not a real word) lol, and fellow bloggers alike... If you are a regular to the blog, welcome back...  If you are new around here, this is called "finish this link up". Nicole from Three 31 is our hostess. She provides the prompt(s) and we complete them within our own blogs.  So here we go.. a new year and new link up look!!! Lets do this!!! 

Here is my response to this weeks prompts!

I am thankful for... I hope this does not sound selfish, but I am first and foremost thankful for being alive.  There was a time five years ago, when I had been diagnosed with Cancer, that I didn't think I would be here right now.  Cancer was so scary for me, so sorry not sorry that I am happy to be here, and a proud cancer survivor!

I am also super thankful for my family and friends.  ALL OF THEM! I say it all the time, but they are my support system, and what have gotten me through the hard times.  My Mom especially is my heart and my hero. My bestest friend.  She is my number one, the one who is there for me always, unconditionally.  My whole family though is really supportive.  The little ones seriously keep me on m toes, and Puppy Bite aka Ryder has seriously filled my heart with such joy.  We seriously love each other so much- I am so thankful to have him as my little brother!  
 My best friend Jennifer aka Jage.. She is also someone I am super thankful for.  She has given me the best advice, and made me have some of the best belly laughs, and just been a great friend over the course of our almost 22 year friendship.. through the good times and bad times our friendship has stood the test of time.  
I am thankful for my doggy Bella, who is my doggy soul-mate.  She has gotten me through some dark times and some hard anxiety attacks.  So thankful that she picked me to be her Mommy 7 years ago. 
I am thankful for my DVR.. it has saved me all those wasted hours spent watching meaningless/stupid commercials.  I also never have to miss a show because multiple things are airing at the same time.. haha! I am currently typing this and catching up on my shows that I dvr'ed when I was on vacation in Southern California.. 
This may sound weird, but I am thankful to be divorced.  I know it has been almost a year already since it was official, but I am really realizing that it was the best closure I could get from the whole situation.  Makes it a smidge easier to really move on I suppose.  

Thank you all for stopping by and reading my responses- if you would like to read more posts or add your own, here is the link:Finish This 2015!

Prompts for next week- February 25th, 2015
Something that has impressed me this week…
Someone who has impressed me this week…

Peace & Love


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