Saturday, April 25, 2015

Finish This #50!!

Welcome back to the blog Link Upers- (not a real word) lol, and fellow bloggers alike... If you are a regular to the blog, welcome back...  If you are new around here, this is called "finish this link up". Nicole from Three 31 is our hostess. She provides the prompt(s) and we complete them within our own blogs.  So here we go.. a new year and new link up look!!! Lets do this!!! 

Here is my response to this weeks prompts!

My most recent splurge purchase for myself was… I spent wayy more than I had anticipated on a bathing suit, of all things.  We went on family vacation a couple weeks ago and I knew I was going to need a new swim suit. I hadn't bought one in so many years.. I tried to avoid it like the plague.  But when we went swimming and to the beach I was determined to get a bathingsuit to wear.  2 stores and multiple trips to the fitting room later and I spent over 100 bucks on a new swim suit.. but it was totally worth it! I felt super cute and totally confident in this new bathing suit! It is flattering and bright and despite it being a dreaded bathing suit, it is totally cute and I love it! 

Thank you all for stopping by and reading my responses- if you would like to read more posts or add your own, here is the link:Finish This 2015!

Prompts for next week- April 29th, 2015

The thing I remember most about my great-grandmother (or another relative) is …

Peace & Love


  1. Ughhhhh I need a new bathing suit too but I do NOT want to go shopping for one. Le sigh.

    1. trust me I waited until almost the last minute to buy one and had to go to 2 places to find one.. I was so proud of myself- i went to the beach and didnt wear a cover up. but it was soo hard. i hate bathing suits!
