First things first, today is Mothers Day! So I wanted to shout-out to my amazing and special Mom! My Mom has always been there for me with open arms and unconditional love. She is my number one supporter always! She is my best friend, someone I can confide in always. She cracks me up more than anyone else can! In my mind Moms do not get any better than the one that I have. Happy Mothers Day Mom! & Happy Mothers Day to all the other Mommies out there. You do great work and being a Mom is the most important work of them all and hopefully you were all celebrated today!!

In other news I am super tardy with this Finish Think Link Up Post.. I have been very sick for like 10 days with some sort of allergic reaction or just allergy or virus. In a nutshell- were not sure what it is. I have been in and out of the hospital and have seen my doctor and an allergist. I have been pumped with so many steroids and antihistamines, that it has made me gain wait and puff out. And of course it is not 100% working. Multiform rashes all over my body on and off that wont stay away and it is causing inflammation in my joints and in my chest so its very hard to breathe. Plus all the side effects of the meds that are suppose to be making me feel better. ugh. I have been out of work for a few days now and have been barely able to get out of bed because of how miserable I am. Hopefully I will feel better soon because this is just ridiculous!
Without further ado here is my Finish This for the Week!

I feel small when … I know I have made a mistake. I am my own worst critic and I am very hard on myself when I screw up. Especially at work. There is nothing my boss can say that I am not already beating into myself internally at the same time.
I feel big when … When I look down at my parents 8 month old and I realize I am going to be 26 in a few months! That is like scary close to 30.. ugh! lol.. My parents are foster parents so we have a lot of little kids running around so I am always the
I feel indestructible when … I never truly feel indestructible. There are my strong days where I feel like I can take on the whole world and what it entails, and then there are some days where I just wanna stay in my room and hide from what is out there. I have severe anxiety disorder so it is a daily struggle.
I feel stupid when … I stumble over my words. Like in my head I know what I am saying and thinking, but it doesn't translate well out loud and I sound like a big stupid dummy head. Ugh it gets very frustrating because usually I am a really good speaker- I am in retail/sales. So sounding stupid in front of a customer is the kiss of death!
I feel smart when … I get to teach or coach something new to someone. It makes me feel useful and smart to help. I stand a little taller after I have helped someone with my smarts. I feel accomplished.
That's all for now. heading back to bed because I still feel super crummy, but I wanted to get this post out there!!!
Thanks for stopping by and reading by Finish This! If you have a blog I hope you join the link up with me! If you don't have a blog, no worries.. comment me your responses below. I would love to read them! Until next week!!!
Peace & Love
Oh man, I hope you get to feeling better soon, Molly! I hate hearing you're so miserable and they can't figure out what is wrong. Prayers for healing, friend. Also, I totally agree with the "my own worst critic" comment. I judge myself way too harshly 99.999999% of the time and I hate the thought of disappointing others. Yuck! Thanks for joining us again for Finish This, get well and come back next week. xo, Nicole (co-host)
ReplyDeletethank you so much Nicole! I hope I feel better soon as well. its taken a lot out of me. and the frustration alone is causing fights with my parents who are only trying to help me and im acting out towards them because im in pain. thank you for your prayers. it sucks because i feel like I AM disappointing a lot of people when Im under the weather because I cannot work or function or do much of anything and I feel useless and such a burdin.