Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Finish This #4!

Welcome back readers to my fourth installment here at the blog of the Link Up I joined,  "Finish This!!" If you are new around here, check out previous posts to catch up, and then join in on the blogging fun!!  And if you like what you see, come back for more.. This Link Up has been a very fun and cool way of building up a blogging community and I have been reading so many other ladies blogs and learning so much about us young women from all walks of life.  So interesting and cool, and opened up so many cool things for me.  So without further ado #FINISHTHIS

This weeks prompts: 

A lesson I learned from my mom …  If you know me well, you know my Mom is NOT just my Mom. she is my Best Friend.  I can tell her anything and everything and she is ALWAYS there for me.  A lesson that my Mom has taught me though that stands out in my mind in this very moment is whenever someone puts me in a bad mood, or putting me down, etc, to not let them have the power.  Do not give "the haters" the power basically.  For example if someone makes fun of my weight, I instantly get upset, and she just reminds me to not let it get to me because they are ignorant and they don't know how amazing I am and that I should just let it roll off my back because they do not matter.  That I should just be me and not let other people get to me like that. I am still working on completely following this because things still bother me, but I am working on it, and I know that I am better than the stupid ignorant opinions people place upon me.  

To burn calories, I …  I wish I had some amazing answer, but for right now I am not doing anything different in terms of exercising and burning calories.. I just work 7 hours 5 days a week and on my feet for most of it, and I do break a sweat depending on what task I am doing at work. That's about as far as it goes for the time being.  lol.  Here is what I have to say about burning calories:  #workproblems #truestory lol.. anyone else can relate?? sometimes you just shake your head because you cannot say a word or laugh or scream lol. 

My best hair day was … My Wedding Day.  Given it is now a bitter-sweet day because I am divorced, but that day was very magical and amazing and I never felt prettier than I did that day. My hair and make up were on point.  I had a fresh dye job, and I had clip in extensions for length and volume and my good friend Whitney curled my hair and did my make up to perfection! 


I am grateful for … being alive today.  When I was 21 I was diagnosed with Cancer.  From the time of diagnosis to four months later when I was finally able to have surgery (insurance issues caused the delay),  it had spread from just being Thyroid Cancer to being in all my neck lymph nodes and my right vocal cord.  I had to have major surgery to get it all out and two intense rounds of radiation.  It was the scariest thing I have been through.  I bitch and complain because life is hard on me sometimes, but who doesn't have their dark/bad days.  I am only human.  But nothing compares to hearing that you have Cancer and you have to face your own mortality, especially when I was so young.  I am so grateful to be alive and cancer free, and I am also grateful for all the support that I have gotten since the diagnosis, as well as through everything else I have been gone through since then.  I am grateful to have the best support system of friends and family in the entire world.  Nothing compares to them.  Xx

Peace & Love



  1. Wow! You are one amazing, tough lady! I know how wonderful it is to have a mom who's not only a great mother, but a best friend too. I love mine more than life itself and when I had my son five months ago, my love for my mom grew too! I break a sweat keeping my mouth shut sometimes too, HA! I love that you're enjoying this link up so much, that's the whole point. Thanks for joining us and adding to our shenanigans week after week. Hugs, Nicole (co-host)

    1. I really am enjoying this link up! blogging was something I started up after me and my husband split to have an outlet and I really want to grow my blogging community and make new friends. its a whole new chapter of my life and i wanna do it right! and thank you for the compliments. my strength really does come from my mom. i really dont know what i would do without her through everything I have been through! I cannot wait til I can be a Mom and make her proud.

  2. Found you via the link up! What a blessing it is to have your momma as a best friend. I lost mine while I was in high school, so, cherish every moment! <3 And what a survivor you are. Never let anyone bring you down. God has a plan!

    1. I am so sorry to hear that you lost your Mom so young.. that had to have been rough, and I am sure it still is. I cant even imagine. and i do cherish every moment I have with her. the last thing I say to her is always I love you.. life is too short and you never know when its gonna be the last moment you have with someone. and thank you, I try my best to just live and take it day by day. and i wear my survivor title proud. Xx
