Here is my response to this weeks prompts!
My thoughts on chocolate... I am a huge fan of food. Period. End of story. But oddly enough sweets- including chocolate are not necessarily my favorite. For snack food I am more of a chips/crackers/popcorn type of girl. But during "that time of the month" I am especially in love with all things chocolate. Cookies, candy, ice cream with chocolate in it. For a few days every month there is nothing better than chocolate and just sweets in general. Gahhh its just sooo good! I love chocolate with almonds the best too! Oh and I hate dark chocolate- or any chocolate with the gross fillings like the raspberry and cherry, but I love the caramel, or nugget ones too. I am a big fan of chocolate brownies, chocolate chip cookies, but I am back and forth about chocolate cake. Some chocolate cakes are wayyy too rich for my taste. I swear my taste buds change all the time!
Thank you all for stopping by and reading my responses- if you would like to read more posts or add your own, here is the link:: Finish This 2015!
Prompts for next week- February 4th, 2015
Board Game…
Peace & Love