An unfortunate thing happened to my parents last week. They were victims of debit card fraud. While we were all asleep in our beds, evil thieves were checking the bank balance on the account and then taking $200 out. They then preceded to charge at least a couple thousands of dollars worth into different gift cards at a Rite Aid in Culver City, California, as well as getting money out elsewhere after the fact. The bank is lagging on giving us any sort of credit of funds or answer on the situation, but my Dad has filed charges over the phone at the Culver City Police Department, and they were looking into the situation as well! I hope that whoever they are they get caught and cannot do this to anyone else!
So, the money that was stolen, was money specific for the kids- government money for the foster/adopted children in the household- which is every single one! It was money in the account for Christmas Presents for all the kids, and now that money is gone. Having money stolen in any fashion is irritating, frustrating and upsetting as it is, but the fact that it was money specifically for foster children, makes it even more heartbreaking and devastating! My Parents and I kept saying in the first few days, how do you explain to children, little children, at that, and little children whom are in the foster care system as well, and don't have much and look forward to Santa coming and making them feel special, that this year is going to be different because a "Grinch literally stole Christmas" from them.
Sooo, last night I was making a snide comment about the situation, I couldn't come up with the exact name of what I was thinking of but I said things like "Med-Gift" and "Kick-starter" as a way to get money to make up for what we lost, so the kids do not have to be effected by the money that was stolen, and have a great Christmas! Well, I guess my Dad thought it was a good idea because this morning my Dad opened up a "GoFundMe" Account to help raise money for the Christmas presents.
My Dad set a goal of $1000 which is about 1/3 of what we lost, but it is enough to make a big difference, because anything helps! in the 14 since the donation period started we have already had four people donate a total of $260, which is an amazing start, and my Parents & I are so grateful for the outpouring of love and support from our friends and family during this trying time, and thank you to those who have donate, or shared about our cause!
So this afternoon, when I finally got to see the the account, I decided to share it on my Facebook, and then Instagram, in order to get it out there into my social networking stream! More and more people are now able to and are sharing the story and link to the donation site. Thank you to those who have done that- because anything and everything makes a difference in terms of support- because it is not just about the monetary, it is about the love of family and friends in the time of need, who is really that, and who really cares.
I am spreading the word about the story of what happened to my Parents/Family in hopes that all of you in the blogosphere can spread the world/donate/or both. I can tell you right now how very much appreciated it would be by my whole Family, and would make all the difference for a bunch of little kids this Christmas!
Here is the Link: Go Fund Me: The LaFon Family Xmas Fund!
Peace & Love
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