Sunday, June 29, 2014

Finish This #11

Welcome to week 26, but my week 11 of the blogging community link up "Finish This" co-hosted by four awesome ladies!!! If you are new to the blog heres the 411.  Each week they (the co-hosts) provide the prompts and we literally finish the sentence with our responses. And welcome back to those who have been by the blog before.. Glad to welcome you back once again! 

And congrats to the four winners of last weeks gift card contest!!!
Here are my responses to this weeks prompts!!! 
For July 4th I celebrated by...

Three 31 // the Arizona Russums // the Java Mama // Coastlined

Its never too late... to change your life.. If you hate a part of it, complaining does nothing.  Sitting around does nothing.. Make things happen, if you really want it to.  I know that for a fact.  Given what has happened to me in my life, I try not to waste my time because I know how precious life is.  And although my life is not where I want it to be, I am making strides to try and change things up!  With the power of positive thinking I know its never too late for happily ever after! =)

I compare myself to others... All the time.  I never think I am good enough, that I am second best to anyone and everyone in all situations.  I am always the last person to toot my own horn. I also always just look at other girls, who wear their cute clothes and have their amazing lives with their husband and kids and I want that life.  I guess my only hope is that one day, when the timing is right all things that I want and usually compare to others, will al just fall into place.  

My personality is...  hmm.. I don't know I am the best at talking about myself and my own personality.. But I guess I am pretty outgoing, and funny.  I am smart, and sarcastic.  I am sweet and caring.. I am loyal, sometimes to a fault. I am one of those people who makes sure everyone else is good and then I circle back around to myself.  I love big.  Although with everything I have been through, I do not trust easy, but I am very trustworthy.  

I can... Do anything as long as I set my mind to it! If I believe "i can" then I will.. Its all about the power of positive thinking.. I am really trying to embrace that thinking these days!
 I think I can write pretty well, and I feel like I express my emotions and feelings way better in writing form than when I try to talk because I usually start to cry.  So I guess I CAN blog well! =) On a weird note, I can eat a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and never feel bad about it.  I know I should but #sorrynotsorry Sometimes my emotional eating gets the best of me, but I have gotten better at it, so if I slip up and eat a whole pint, I say so what and move on! whatever makes me feel better.  I mean who can really resist some awesome ben & jerrys ice cream! lol. I CANNOT! lol.. 

I embrace change... Oooo.. I do not embrace change at all.  if it's one of my least favorite personality changes is that I am sooo not flexible and I hate, and I mean HATE change.  It totally gives me hardcore anxiety when things change.  Embracing changes is something I need to learn to do, because 3/4 times change is not necessarily a bad thing! 

Thanks again for stopping by the blog, & continue to come back each week for another round of Finish This! Now it is your turn!! Post your Finish This on your own blog and link it up with all of us!! If you do not have a blog to post to, just comment below with your responses! I am always curious as to what my readers responses would be to same prompts! 

Here is a direct link to the actual link up itself, if you are interesting in linking up! 

Finish This Link Up!!

Here are week 27's (July 9th's) Prompts! 

My go-to cosmetic product is... 
I am inspired by...
The best relationship advice I received was...
When no one is around, I tend to...

Peace & Love

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Finish This #10

Welcome to week 25, but my week 10 of the blogging community link up "Finish This" co-hosted by four awesome ladies!!! If you are new around here, let me quickly explain to you how this works... Each week they (the co-hosts) provide the prompts and we literally finish the sentence with our responses. If you are not new around here, than I am glad to welcome you back again as well. I am excited you have liked what you have read once again and have come back for more!

                           Three 31 // The Java Mama // The Arizona Russums // Coastlined

                                        Here are my responses to this weeks prompts!!! 

 I have a quarter to use a pay phone, I call ….  Lets be real here, when was the last time you used a pay phone.  I mean I have not even seen one in years.. There use to be one right outside my work and it broke, so then they finally just took it out instead of replacing it. I mean having to make a phone call.. isn't that what cell phones are for? lol.. but If I did come across a pay phone and had to make a call, I would most likely call my Mom, because if I was in such dire straights, she would be who I would want to help me out, regardless of the circumstances.  
I found $25 in my pocket, I buy …  hmmm. that is a toughy.. I never buy myself anything special, so I most likely would buy me groceries, or use to it buy me lunch over a few days at work.. and Starbucks!! Cannot go a day without some sort of coffee lol, especially if I am opening at work.. If it is going to be a long day at work and I have to deal with dumb people, because I usually get at least one stupid ass customer a shift, I most definitely need my caffeine fix! 
I have 25 minutes to watch anything on TV, I turn on …  Anything saved on my DVR, which ranges from the trashy reality t.v shows, to sitcoms, and dramas.  It really just depends on what type of mood I am in.  If I am not in the mood to watch anything I have DVR'ed then I usually land on either Will & Grace, CSI Miami, Criminal Minds, Family Feud, Rosanne, or Law & Order: SVU.. because those shows are always on marathons.. 
A meal I can prepare, from start to finish. in 25 minutes or less is … I am definitely no cook, by any means, but I can scramble eggs pretty good, and I love melting cheese and sometimes even mixing in some salsa.. It is a concoction I learned to make from my Dad and it is pretty yummy.  Sometimes I add a little salt in and sometimes I don't.  
At the age of 25, I wish had known … I am 25 now.  So I guess I wish I would have known a few years ago that at age 25 I would be divorced.. I mean I never would regret my marriage, because I was in love and thought it was forever, but maybe me and him could have changed things together that maybe would have changed the outcome and I would not be in the position I am in today.. Maybe not? who knows.. 
If I drove 25 miles (direction) from my house, I’d be in .. Still in Vegas haha.. I would most like be down at the Vegas Strip.. 

Thanks again for stopping by the blog, & continue to come back each week for another round of Finish This! Now it is your turn!! Post your Finish This on your own blog and link it up with all of us!! If you do not have a blog to post to, just comment below with your responses! I am always curious as to what my readers responses would be to same prompts! 

Here are week 26's (July 2nd) Prompts! 

Its never to late to...
I compare myself to others.. 
My personality is...
I can...
I embrace change...

Peace & Love

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

This Past Week In A Nutshell!

Gosh isn't summer suppose to be like relaxing??? I feel like since the kids, and by kids I mean my parents kids, have been home for summer break, the house has just been bustling with activity and I personally have just been going and going and going.  It has been a stressful couple of weeks at work as well with inventories and such.  I cannot seem to catch a break either with my health since this heat started in May... And on top of that on Friday (June 20th) I also had a tooth pulled, which I am so grateful for because I was in so much pain, but still now I am in pain until it heals. Double edged sword I guess..  

Last Tuesday (June 17th) I had the pleasure of going to my friend Whitney's house warming party that her and her boyfriend, were hosting.  They have a beautiful house and I am so happy for them.  This is just the beginning of big things for them.. Although, I thought more people were going to be there/more dressed up so color me surprised when I walked in and people were in like either work clothes or shorts and t-shirts... and I was in a maxi dress and had gotten myself all cute in a dress and done my hair and make up lol.. But it was really nice to see my friend and meet her boyfriends family and friends.  


Then I was surprised at work on Thursday.. When I walked out after a short shift at 2pm, I saw not only my Mom in the car, but my sister Nicole, and Heidi as well.  My other sister Alyx was at camp, or else she would have been with us too.  But this whole thing was a spur of the moment, spontaneous girls day, my sister Nicole's idea.  We went to a nail salon and Heidi got her nails painted professionally for the first time and she was so excited.  And even though I had just gotten my toes down like a week before, I was excited to change the color up again so I got another pedicure, and so did my Mom.  My sister got a mani/pedi.. including acrylic nails, which I think is dumb in my opinion because she works at a water park and is going to Warp Tour in a few days and I am betting some serious money that she breaks at least one nail, and that makes the fake nails a waste of money!!  

It was such a fun afternoon hang out with the ladies though!  I had a great time just relaxing with the ladies of my family! 




My parents also had a temporary foster baby for a few days and she is the cutest thing! Only two months old too! Although I don't understand where they thought the name "Joshyanna" was a good name.  So we have all come up with nicknames for her, because you know how this family LOVES giving out nicknames lol.. We have been calling her Joshy, Jossy, & Lil J.  Heidi has especially been such a great help with her.. Holding her, and feeding her, and playing with her.  Remind me of how I use to help take care of Nicole when she was a baby!  (And now she is 17 years old and has her first job.. holy crap!) 


Like I said earlier, I also had to have a tooth pulled on Friday.  I know what you are thinking and I am probably on the same page with whatever you are thinking, which is most likely OUCH!! I really wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get the tooth pulled that day, but I knew I was in so much pain and was just hoping for antibiotics and pain pills (which I got anyways) and that I was going to have to see an oral surgeon, but nope got it done right there in the office.  Highly recommend this dentist.  it is called Summerlin Dental, and they are in the offices located inside of Tivoli Village up in Summerlin (for all my Vegas peeps, who need a Dentist) 
Summerlin Dental Website  (I saw doctor Sanchez, and she was amazing, and the staff are super friendly) Plus there are flat screens in the rooms, so I got to watch/listen to my Law & Order: SVU marathon that was playing on the USA Network while I waited and had my tooth pulled.. Amazing distraction I must say!

Before I called my tooth pulled... 

After I got my tooth pulled- a tad bit more pale and puffy. lol. 

The pain meds are helping with the pain, but the antibiotic is giving me some side effects, but it is hard because I cannot take Penicillin because I am allergic so the med I am on (Clindimyacin) (sp?) is kind of my only option, and I have been on it before so I don't understand why it has been making me sick and tired.. I cannot wait til it is Friday and I am through taking them. 

Friday also happened to be National Flip Flop Day at our local Smoothie Place called Tropical Smoothie Cafe, so my Mom and I and Heidi stopped by and got our free Jetty Punches! I had told Heidi about it before I knew I was getting a tooth pulled, so I didn't wanna disappoint her and not go.  And it worked out anyway because a cold smoothie was perfect for just getting a tooth pulled, I just had to use a spoon to eat it haha! 

Where I work is also starting to sell t-shirts, and we get to actually wear them through the summer as part of our uniform.. Here is a pic of me taking a #selfie in one! 

Last, but not least by any means, one of my fellow co-worker moved back to Idaho this past weekend, so she stopped by my store to stay goodbye to me & my other co-worker Stephen.. Miss you already Jamie!! 



Like I said, kind of a busy week.. and coupled that with working a lot and this heat.. I am constantly overheated and exhausted.. Cannot wait for this summer to be over...

And on a side-note, I heard that Alaska had a huge Earthquake yesterday (June 23rd), and I just wanted to say that my thought and prayers are with those effected, especially since I had just made a joke about moving there because of how hot is is here and needing to move to color temperatures and used Alaska as an example.. I am also praying that the large Earthquake does not cause a Tsunami to arise, because it could hit any part of the Pacific/West Coast and I have family and friends up and down the California Coast.

What have my readers been up to lately?
Comment below!

Peace & Love

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Finish This #9

Welcome to week 24, but my week 9 of the blogging community link up "Finish This" co-hosted by four awesome ladies!!! If you are new around here, let me quickly explain to you how this works... Each week they (the co-hosts) provide the prompts and we literally finish the sentence with our responses. If you are not new around here, than I am glad to welcome you back again as well. I am excited you have liked what you have read once again and have come back for more!

Without any further interruption here are my responses to this weeks prompts!

I could spend all day... This is soo easy, either sleeping, or watching the million shows I have saved on my dvr on a regular basis.  I do not know what I would do without my cable tv or dvr.. How sad is that. I really try not to think of a time before dvr... Honestly I would probably still be recording stuff on VHS.. lol.. I use to do that a lot as a kid.  My tv shows are like an escape, so its how I usually spend my days off, catching up on my recorded shows!

My primary and most essential goal in life... Is to be a Mom.  I mean I want to go back to school and be a Cosmetologist, but I know I was meant to be a Mom.  I love kids, and I am good with them, and I have such baby fever its ridiculous.  I know that when the time is right for me I will have kids, and when that happens I know I will feel so fulfilled and happy.  Someone to love unconditionally and take care of.  I know it's going to be hard, but living at home and helping my parents out with all their kids/foster kids, I am getting a lot of practice in.   So in order to reach this goal I am going to get myself healthy, and get finances in order.  I don't care if I have a man or not at this point, I will try and have a baby myself if I have to and the timing is right.  And if the man comes along, then great.  But to me I don't see it as a major roadblock because there are obviously ways to have a baby without an actual man.  I cannot wait to be a Mom someday.  

You might be surprised to learn...  I was actually four weeks premature when I was born.  I was always a planned C-Section baby because my Mom had an ovary removed because of a tumor when she was in her early 20's, so she was always high risk and what not.  But for some reason, that I don't think I have ever heard, and in writing this it just occurred to me that I never asked why, I came 4 weeks early, still by C-Section.  Due to being premature, my lungs were under-developed and I had to be put in an incubator for a day or two, and I am assuming put on steroids to help build my lungs up.  Turns out I bounce back quickly and I have been a survivor since birth because I was ready to go home before my Mom was, because she was still recovering from the C-Section and that timing took longer back in the 80's.. 

My favorite place in the world is... The city that I was born and spent the first 14 years of my life in.  It is the place I will forever call home, no matter where I live..  Northridge, California.  My best friend(s) and 2nd family live there, and I also have actual relatives that still live in SoCal.  Whenever I visit it just feels right, and I never want to leave.  My endgame is to live there and grow old there. Raise my kids there.  To outsiders it is nothing special.  It is just a suburb of Los Angeles.  But to me, like I said, it will always be Home.  I just feel at peace when I am there, plus I know where everything is!!  

I wish I had known sooner... That my now ex-husband was a cheating scum-bag.  He gave off the illusion of a nice guy, but he was anything but in the end.  I felt like our whole relationship/marriage was a lie at this point, so I am glad that we are no longer together and I am not part of the sinkhole that is his life.  I am now moving on to bigger and better things, including blogging.. But I still wish I would have known sooner, so it could have saved me the trouble of getting married to the wrong person and having to go through the feelings and emotions of being cheated on and going through a divorce.  

Thanks again for stopping by the blog, & continue to come back each week for another round of Finish This! as well as any other posts I publish to the blog!! But I digress...

Now it is your turn!! Post your Finish This on your own blog and link it up with all of us!! If you do not have a blog to post to, just comment below with your responses! I am always curious as to what my readers responses would be to same prompts!

Here are Week 25's prompts as well!

I have a quarter to use a pay phone, I call ….
I found $25 in my pocket, I buy …I have 25 minutes to watch anything on TV, I turn on …A meal I can prepare, from start to finish. in 25 minutes or less is …At the age of 25, I wish I had known …If I drove 25 miles (direction) from my house, I’d be in ..

Peace & Love

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Heidi Turns 8/Fathers Day!!

So this past weekend (keep in mind I am including Friday as part of the weekend because it was my day off), was super jammed packed.. again! It seems like I am always busy these days for the most part.  I want to assume its because of Summer.  Like every day off I have had I have felt like I have needed a day off because of said day off.  

So to start off the long weekend, was Heidi's 8th Birthday! My Parents took the kids to Wet N' Wild Water Park for the day for the occasion.  I did not go because I was up late the night prior- See my previous post about Ladies Night to see what I am talking about, if you have not already!  I spent the day in bed watching my shows on DVR.. To me that sounded more fun that spending the day in the blistering heat.. Yeah, thanks, but no thanks.  Everyone had a blast though, based on what they told me.

When everyone got home my Dad made dinner and we all quickly ate, because it was getting late and we wanted to do Cake and Presents with all the kids.  The previous day my parents had taken the kids out of the house for afternoon because my Sister, Nicole had went out of her way, and totally outdid herself on making a very special Birthday Cake for Heidi.  It was a rainbow cake, all made from scratch.  Probably one of the most awesome cakes I have ever seen!  She did an amazing job.  I even told her that night that she needs to go to Culinary School after she is finally done with High School and do Pastry Chef.  Totally right up her alley because she has so much nature talent cooking anyway, especially cakes.  

So after the cake was done, it was a little late (for the kids bedtime of course), so we sent most of the kids upstairs and gave Heidi her presents! She loved everything she got from all of us.  Her face just lit up when she opened each present and saw what she got.  You see it really is important to make sure she feels special because she is actually a Foster Child under my parents care.  (We may have the potential of adopting her and her brother Mario at some point as well.  So we'll see.. ) So knowing that what we did for her made her so happy, was a great feeling!

Here are a bunch of photos from the day that I snapped! Btw when you see the photos of the cake you are gonna be shocked.. it is freaking awesome looking, and just an fyi, it tasted pretty awesome too! Puppy even had a little cake and he loved it.. once again!


Saturday I worked an 8 in a half shift, so other than being overtired from working all day and not sleeping much and it being hot, Saturday was pretty uneventful for the most part..

Last, but not least, Sunday.. Unless you live under a rock, you know that this past Sunday was actually Fathers Day!  I worked all day, but I made sure to call my Dad and wish him a Happy Fathers Day!  I also picked him up his favorite Peanut Brittle and got him a cute card!  The kids all made hand written cards with drawings and what not.  My Mom got him some lollipops and caramel chocolates as well as two mugs that you can out pictures or paper in to personalize it.  They had Turtle and Mario's hand print's traced on one and other drawings on the other.  Really Cute Idea.. 

My Dad made ribs and corn on the cob for dinner.. The ribs he made were probably the best I have had EVER! they were so delicious, and the meat was just falling off the bone.. Yum! 
It sucked I had to work all day, but at least I was at home in the evening to spend a little bit of Fathers Day with my Dad.

Obviously I am very active on social media- Instagram/Facebook, so I posted about Fathers Day.. Here is what I wrote in honor of my Dad.. Happy Fathers Day Dad!! 

Happy Fathers Day to the #1 guy in my life.. My Daddy!! Thank you for being an amazing father to me the past 26 years. I appreciate all you have done for me. You seriously are my hero. You have the biggest heart and I am in awe of what you do for all of us kids.. I seriously dont know how you & Mom do it. You are an inspiration to others in how to be a parent.. I love how you treat these foster kids like they are your own.. Making them feel special. If there were more Dads like you, these kids wouldnt need another home in the first place. I love you so much Daddy!! Xoxo 
#happyfathersday #fatheraday2014 #iloveyoudad #amazingdad #myhero#inspirational #mynumberoneguy #theonlymanicancounton #love #family#helikestostickhistoungeout #kidatheart #greatparenttouskids #daddysgirl 

Also Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads, Step-Dads, Foster Dads, Grandpas, Uncles, Moms who are also the Dad... Happy Fathers Day to all the men up in heaven who fall under any one of those titles as well.  Especially my late Grandpa Earl Joel Adler.  You were an amazing Grandpa and I miss you everyday!  I love you with all my heart.. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend, and got to spend Fathers Day with family!! How'd you all spend your weekend?

P.S. Now that I got my computer back, I hope to be even more active on the blog! yay!!! So look for maybe at least one post per week if not more.. And if you have any suggestions for what you want me to possibly blog about please inbox me at my new email address made especially for the blog... My other email is still connected with the blog, so any direct comments will go to that, but emails I want sent to that email address... Hope to hear from my readers soon!! I would love any sort of feedback you guys have to offer me!

Peace & Love