Sunday, December 27, 2015
Merry Christmas.. And I'm Back!!
I am back!!! It was a Merry Christmas for me because I got a new computer screen from my parents and my brother- so now I am free to blog again. Yippee!! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas as well! I cannot believe that in a few short days it will officially be 2016! Where did the time go? But I digress.. Christmas was amazing. A couple weeks ago Dad went out and got the most beautiful and humongous tree. Up until a couple days ago I could swear it was still growing! We decorated with lights and ornaments and Nicole and Dad out lights and decorations up outside- which I somehow never got a picture of- Christmas Eve, Nicole & I worked, and knowing that I wrapped my presents the night before- until like 1am- so I was exhausted. When we got home there was sweet & sour meatballs and sweet and sour little weenies made for dinner- it was delicious! Even being super tired I didn't fall asleep until late- I wasn't the only one, and somehow managed to get up early to open gifts with the fam bam. The kiddos opened up their gifts first while JJ, Nicole, myself, the parentals, and Jake watched on and took pics, and it the was the older kids turn and then the parents turn! We all loved our gifts- although Ryder still didn't really under the concept- but hey there is always next year. The gifts I gave the kids were a big hit- Turtle opened his immediately and kept thanking me for it- Ryder hasn't stopped playing the siren on the fire truck toy I got him, Heidi already used the nail polish/stencil on her finger-nails and I saw Mario playing with the Avengers toy I got him. Nicole opened the Lava Lamp I got her and my Mom is already wearing the sockies I got her. I got Dad Peanut Brittle and I got JJ a new comforter set! (most stressful shopping experiences of my life!) After presents Dad made bagels and bacon and Mom had made Banana Nut Bread and Blueberry Muffins, it put me in my food coma and after I ate I went back in my room and fell asleep until like the mid afternoon lol- I was knocked out! haha!Dad made Prime Rib, Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Crescent Rolls, and Green Bean Casserole for dinner and it was delicious. I used that time to bust out my Hanukkah gift from my good friend Jennifer- a Selfie Stick! It made it easier to take pics of the entire family- All 12 of us at the table- whew! I also took a few selfies with JJ and Nicole and my Mom using the selfie stick in front of our awesome Christmas tree. I love that thing haha!
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