So I'm gonna try and do something new around here.. I wanna build up a following and momentum on this blog.. So I am branching out.. I am joining a link up.. A few other ladies who have blogs of their own host the link up.. and basically what it is, is they give you prompts, like questions to answer.. or like a sentence and you need to fill in the rest with your response. and then you post the link and it joins up with others posted links and you can see who else completed the "finish this" and look at other bloggers responses. I thought it would be pretty cool, and actually found out about it from fellow blogger.. akupofkatie and thought it would be cool to at least try it once and see if I could stick with it! (she is one of the hosts of the link up)
and she has all her previous "finish this" post
and she has all her previous "finish this" post
So without further ado here is my "finish this" responses..
1. My favorite makeup item is … I rarely, and I mean rarely wear make- up but if I don't have a lot of time and I am looking extra tired and gotta freshen up the eyes a bit I will put some eyeliner and mascara on. My favorite/go to brand for those items is usually NYC because it goes on well, does not clump (the mascara), and it is waterproof, in case its worn when crying may be involved lol!! It is also very inexpensive for the quality! I love it!
2. The best book I've ever read was ____ because … "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath. It is one of the few books that I can re-read every few years like I have never read it before. Plath was such a tragic soul and I really feel for her and her story. I think the first time I read it was in Junior High, and I was already into poetry and stuff like that but Plath is what really got me into and to be honest I think I have at least three copies of the book somewhere.. don't ask me why though. I just think its a pretty amazing read.. I recommend it if you have never read it.. but it is a really sad story just to warn you..
3. My favorite TV show is … Gosh there are so many. I am such a tv junkie. Like its seriously a problem. I dvr like 40 shows a week. lol.. I mean I love my older shows that are no longer on air like Friends and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.. But I also love the Voice, which i am currently watching on dvr while writing this response, as well as Greys Anatomy... But there is one show that I have never missed an episode, and have seen past episodes on repeats like 100x each is Law & Order: SVU.. I mean.. seriously, do I really have to explain how amazing that show is... It has been on for as long as I can remember, and the acting is amazing and the story-lines are always fresh. Lets just say I am never bored when I watch it..
4. The most spontaneous thing I’ve ever done is … When I was 19, I was visiting my friends back in Los Angeles, and I decided I wanted to get a tattoo, so my best friend took me to a local tattoo shop and like an hour later I had my first tattoo.. a yellow rose on my right ankle in honor of my Grandma who died when I was 10 years old and yellow roses were her favorite. So it was both a spontaneous action, but also a very meaningful one.
5. I prefer DOGS/CATS because … Dogs. I grew up in a household that consistently had between 3 to 5 dogs... and that has never changed.. They are so loving and caring and truly are mans/women's best friend.. My dog Bella is my child and I love her more than anything in this world.
6. I met my significant other … online. My best friend encouraged me to try online dating and I ended up looking on Within two weeks I met the guy that would become my boyfriend, fiance, and husband. and sadly ex-husband.. But at least for 5 years it was a success story. And to be honest even though it ended badly, I still may try online dating again.
So there it is.. my first Finish This post.. Apparently new prompts and posts are added each Wednesday, so if I really stick with this you should be getting a consistent post from me every Wednesday/Thursday with my responses! And I hope you enjoyed reading my responses, and if you have a blog I hope you join the link up, and if not comment me your responses.. I'd enjoy reading them!!
Peace & Love