Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Finish This #47: Five Minute Typefest!

Welcome back to the blog Link Upers- (not a real word) lol, and fellow bloggers alike... If you are a regular to the blog, welcome back...  If you are new around here, this is called "finish this link up". Nicole from Three 31 is our hostess. She provides the prompt(s) and we complete them within our own blogs.  So here we go.. a new year and new link up look!!! Lets do this!!! 

Here is my response to this weeks prompts!

Type for five minutes (set a timer!) about anything and everything you’re thinking about right now...

I typed this just before I published it on Wednesday night.  Currently watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Reunion Show on Bravo.  Watching these so-called upstanding ladies of Beverly Hills just hurts my heart.  It just reminds me of how cruel we are as people, as women, to one another.  It really isn't cool.  We should be building each other up instead of tearing each other down.  I mean watching these "Real Housewife" shows in general, they call each other w*ore, and bi*ch, and "see you next Tuesday", and it is just like horrifying to watch because we don't want men to call us these horrible things, and get so offended, and yet, we just let the words come out of our own so-called ladylike lips.  Not cool at all.  Tearing each other down in any form like that is awful. I couldn't even imagine actually saying some of the things that come out of these ladies lips to any of my friends or family- regardless of the gender.  I am embarrassed for these ladies.  I mean in real life I could say something and move on, they are on t.v. where it can be re-watched forever, and their kids, and grand-kids, friends and other family members alike can see it all and hear their Moms and what not saying these things to one another.  It makes me embarrassed and kind of sick to my stomach, not gonna lie.  Ladies, do you agree?  Do any of you watch these mindless reality shows that I am talking about?  Am I making any sense at all?  These stream of conscious thing is fun sometimes, and hard sometimes haha.  

Thank you all for stopping by and reading my responses- if you would like to read more posts or add your own, here is the link:Finish This 2015!

Prompts for next week- April 8th, 2015
Things I miss about being a young child ...

Peace & Love


  1. I haven't seen RHOBH since they had a huge falling out in Amsterdam so I'm waiting to watch the last episodes and reunion on a "marathon" day. I hate to admit I watch this crap, but I do. It makes me thankful for what I have and who I have in my life, sometimes those women are so miserable. But, as one housewife eloquently said, Money doesn't buy you class!!!!

    1. I honestly didnt watch much of the season because it was just so ridiculous and juvenille. I couldnt take it. There is only so much I can take lol.
