Monday, November 24, 2014

Finish This #30: Travelling!!

Welcome back to another week of the link-up Finish This! Hosted by 4 amazing ladies: Nicole, Jen, Lisa, & Becky! It is Week 46, but my week 30 of the link up!  The link up instructions are simple: answer the prompts on your blog. Then, add the post to the collection list using the link below. Next week’s prompts are located at the bottom of this post as well!

Here are my responses to this weeks prompts!

If I could fly to any destination tomorrow, I’d go to... First of all I would have to conquer my fear of flying before I "fly" anywhere haha! But if that, and money were a non-issue I would go to Italy for sure.  I have always wanted to go to Rome & Venice!  I want to see all of the historical places that I have only read about and saw in pictures in textbooks.  I have a degree in History- lol.. and I just know they are so amazing because everyone  I know who is like a big travelling person goes there for either a vacation on in recent years, Honeymoons lol.  

My best advice for travelling is... something I am horribly bad at, although improving on every trip is- do not overpack!! I seriously pack for every "what if" you could think of.  I know how unnecessary it is and am definitely working on it, but I have definitely realized that unless I am going to like the Outback in Australia, I can get anything I need if I really need it, I don't need to pack it!

I (like / dislike) to travel because... it can be time consuming- I don't fly so I drive, and I mostly travel to Los Angeles to visit my friends, and it is a 3 in a half to  five hr boring drive to there.  I also hate that it gets expensive haha! 

Thanks for stopping by, and.... Finish Think Link Up!
Here is the link to add your own post to the link! 
And don't fret if you don't have a blog, just add your responses in my comment section below! Happy Blogging! 

Prompts or Week 47 (November 26th)
My favorite Thanksgiving tradition
My most memorable Thanksgiving was
My favorite Thanksgiving food or dish
I’m so thankful

Peace & Love

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