Thursday, May 22, 2014

Finish This #5!!

Welcome back readers to my blog!!  And welcome back to another edition of of the
 weekly series:  Finish This: A Blog Link Up! 
 Joining this "link-up" has been such a fun thing for me, and I just wanted to send a special shout-out to the hosts.. thank you for having this link up, and I am glad I found out about through a fellow blogger, akupofkatie Best thing that could have happened!! This is my 5th Finish This Post and as I write each of them, I get so excited and I have so much fun.  Gets the creative juices flowing.  Sometimes it is hard to get a blog post out, but you wanna put something out there for your readers, and to have prompts already there for you and you just have to "Finish This".. amazing!! Don't ya think guys?? Its fun!  If you have not already done so, and have a blog, I recommend joining the link up.  

My favorite recipe is... I don't have an exact recipe.  I am not a cook by any means.  In fact the microwave is my best friend.  You will rarely catch me using the stove, unless I am making eggs, and I can out frozen foods in the oven or toaster oven, but thats about it lol.  But I have a favorite food item my Dad has been making lately.  He is not a professional chef, and has never had any formal training, but his cooking is to die for.  He has been making these Parmesan cheese cut up potatoes pieces that are just so yummy.  He makes a lot of it when he makes it because all of us go back for like seconds, thirds, and omgsh fourths of them haha! He just washes off and cuts up potatoes into like triangle pieces and rubs like like a butter or oil on them and melts the cheese pieces of them and then heats them in the oven. Like I said they are so delicious and yummy and amazing!! 

I believe in... TRUE LOVE.. I believe that my one true love is still out there and one day, when the timing is right, that not only will I find him, or he will find me, but that we will find each other, and it will just be right. I believe in fate and meant to be's and happily ever afters. 

I need to set boundaries...  I need to learn to say "No" more.  I am learning to have more of backbone with people.  I am the type of person that makes sure everyone else is good and circle back around to myself, but I am learning to be a tad selfish when I need to be.  That is not to say I am not there for everyone else still because I am, but I am trying to make sure I don't come last.  I need to take care of myself too.  So if I am wronged I am not just being like it is okay.. there are now consequences.  Boundary setting = not being taken advantage of/taken for granted.  

I began living when.. I live everyday... but to LIVE.. I don't think I have really LIVED yet. My divorce, as sad as the whole situation was/is, I believe it was a reset button and now I can have that chance to LIVE.. to do to right. to have the life that I deserve. one where I can truly LIVE.. I want to have a family.. a Husband that treats me right, and kids.. to travel. When I have done those things.. Reached my goals and found my true happy place, that is when I can say, when I know that I am truly living/and have LIVED! 

Now that you have gotten to read my responses.. its your turn!  If you don't have a blog, no big deal.. I would love to read your responses anyway, so comment below!!! 

Peace & Love


  1. I also went through a divorce a couple of years ago, after 7 years of marriage to my high school sweetheart. I can totally relate to how you feel! For awhile, it was the worst time of my life, but then, I started to realize what a blessing it was, that I was finally free from all that pain and I had an opportunity to start over again fresh, do things right the second time around, and there were endless possibilities ahead for my future-anything could happen!

    I met my current husband a year ago and we've been married for 2 months now. He is everything I wanted and need and some times I didn't even know I wanted or needed, but do. I hope and pray for the same for you, and just keep faith that even though divorce sucks, sometimes it can be the catalyst to the best days of your life!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind works and for sharing your story with me. My ex was my first and only everything and anything, so what he did hurts even more. i never realized i could feel that level of hurt and betrayal. i know now that i deserve better, and i know that better things will happen to me because he really was anchor. i just have to make it through the storm, which takes time.

  2. Hi Molly! OMWord those potatoes sound yummy!!! Serve 'em with a juicy steak and.....OH YUM! Loved reading all your answers!

    1. Yes thats exactly what we do, usually with steak!!! its perfect pairing!!
