Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Finish This #10

Welcome to week 25, but my week 10 of the blogging community link up "Finish This" co-hosted by four awesome ladies!!! If you are new around here, let me quickly explain to you how this works... Each week they (the co-hosts) provide the prompts and we literally finish the sentence with our responses. If you are not new around here, than I am glad to welcome you back again as well. I am excited you have liked what you have read once again and have come back for more!

                           Three 31 // The Java Mama // The Arizona Russums // Coastlined

                                        Here are my responses to this weeks prompts!!! 

 I have a quarter to use a pay phone, I call ….  Lets be real here, when was the last time you used a pay phone.  I mean I have not even seen one in years.. There use to be one right outside my work and it broke, so then they finally just took it out instead of replacing it. I mean having to make a phone call.. isn't that what cell phones are for? lol.. but If I did come across a pay phone and had to make a call, I would most likely call my Mom, because if I was in such dire straights, she would be who I would want to help me out, regardless of the circumstances.  
I found $25 in my pocket, I buy …  hmmm. that is a toughy.. I never buy myself anything special, so I most likely would buy me groceries, or use to it buy me lunch over a few days at work.. and Starbucks!! Cannot go a day without some sort of coffee lol, especially if I am opening at work.. If it is going to be a long day at work and I have to deal with dumb people, because I usually get at least one stupid ass customer a shift, I most definitely need my caffeine fix! 
I have 25 minutes to watch anything on TV, I turn on …  Anything saved on my DVR, which ranges from the trashy reality t.v shows, to sitcoms, and dramas.  It really just depends on what type of mood I am in.  If I am not in the mood to watch anything I have DVR'ed then I usually land on either Will & Grace, CSI Miami, Criminal Minds, Family Feud, Rosanne, or Law & Order: SVU.. because those shows are always on marathons.. 
A meal I can prepare, from start to finish. in 25 minutes or less is … I am definitely no cook, by any means, but I can scramble eggs pretty good, and I love melting cheese and sometimes even mixing in some salsa.. It is a concoction I learned to make from my Dad and it is pretty yummy.  Sometimes I add a little salt in and sometimes I don't.  
At the age of 25, I wish had known … I am 25 now.  So I guess I wish I would have known a few years ago that at age 25 I would be divorced.. I mean I never would regret my marriage, because I was in love and thought it was forever, but maybe me and him could have changed things together that maybe would have changed the outcome and I would not be in the position I am in today.. Maybe not? who knows.. 
If I drove 25 miles (direction) from my house, I’d be in .. Still in Vegas haha.. I would most like be down at the Vegas Strip.. 

Thanks again for stopping by the blog, & continue to come back each week for another round of Finish This! Now it is your turn!! Post your Finish This on your own blog and link it up with all of us!! If you do not have a blog to post to, just comment below with your responses! I am always curious as to what my readers responses would be to same prompts! 

Here are week 26's (July 2nd) Prompts! 

Its never to late to...
I compare myself to others.. 
My personality is...
I can...
I embrace change...

Peace & Love


  1. Thanks for joining us this week (and every week) and good luck in the giveaway too! If I had to make a call, it would most likely be to my Mom too. I have a really good one. :D

    1. Thank you so much! yeah my mom is my go to for everything! Crossing me fingers I win.. I could use a win!
