Friday, August 15, 2014

Finish This #16: 13 Things To Know About Me!

Welcome back to another week of the link-up Finish This! Hosted by 4 amazing ladies: Nicole, Jen, Lisa, & Becky! It is Week 32, but my week 16 of the link up!  The link up instructions are simple: answer the prompts on your blog. Then, add the post to the collection list using the link below. Next week’s prompts are located at the bottom of this post as well! 

Three 31 // The Arizona Russums // The Java Mama // Coastlined

Here are my responses to this weeks prompt!

13 Things To Know About Me... (that you probably didn't know, but maybe you did)

1. I wear glasses. I have since I was 8 years old.  I am far-sighted (meaning I cannot see near so well).  So I wear them for reading, and being on the computer and sometimes when I watch tv.  

2. I am not good at organizing, folding and putting away my clothes correctly in a closet or dresser.  If they are already folded that work usually gets undone by me shoving the clothes into my dresser drawers lol. 

3. There is nothing better than taking a drive on the freeway with the windows rolled down and the music turned up and just singing my lil heart out! I will volunteer sometimes to do things just so I can take the car to do just that.. 

4. I live in Las Vegas, NV but I am a SoCal "Valley Girl" at heart, and where I spent the first 14 years of my life will always be home to me.. My goal is to be able to move back someday and raise my kids in the same neighborhood where I was raised. Plus I cannot stay away from the Beach! I am a water baby at heart! 

(new owners car, but the house I grew up in!)

5. I love taking pics of/with my lil siblings.  They are just the cutest and it makes me smile so wide when I see them smiling in the picture and love when they see themselves and laugh at the picture. its the cutest thing! 


6. Maroon 5 is my favorite band (they were first concert I attended without my parents lol, and Adam Levine is my #MCM (mancrushmonday) every Monday! haha! 

7. I have a hardcore addiction to Starbucks and I am not sorry about it at all! It started in Junior High and has only gotten worse since then haha!  It gets me through many an early morning at work, and it doesn't even have to be coffee, it can be their hot chocolate or smoothies or strawberry lemonade... but mostly coffee haha! 

8. My worst habit is my nail biting! I cannot stop.. It is a nervous/anxious habit! The only time I have nails is when I get the acrylic ones put on, so that is like once in a Blue Moon, basically.  

9. To go with the factoid above ^^ I actually have generalized anxiety disorder.  I have had it since I was younger from a lot of traumatic things happening to me and my family.  I am not ashamed to say that Therapy and Meds, and just being able to vent and cry sometimes help, but other times I get horrible panic attacks, and I have gotten hospitalized a few times because I could not pull myself out of them.  I am not ashamed of my disorder, and no should be because it effects more people than you can even imagine!

(one time when I went to ER for a severe anxiety/panic attack)

10. I am a natural brunette, but I feel more myself as a blonde.  I just feel better about myself with the blonde hair, so unless Me, Myself, & I ever decide to change it back, no one is gonna change my mind about being a blonde! I have been highlighting/dying my hair since Sophomore year of High School so it has been like 10 years of being a Blonde! 

11. I have talked about it before, but I am a Thyroid Cancer Survivor.  I am proud to be a Survivor.  It gave me strength that I never knew I had! & I am so happy that blogging has given me such an amazing outlet to discuss what I went through and share my story, in hopes that it can help others. 

12. I would rather be a home watching television or hanging out with my family than going out all the time.  I am such a hermit.. I am like an 80 year old stuck in a 25 year old's body! Although, I am trying to be more social able- but with the anxiety, it is rough! I hate feeling uncomfortable and being out of my comfort zone, but it is usually worth it in the end!

13. I wanna travel the world.  Go to places around the world like: Paris, and Italy (Venice, Rome), and the Bahamas, but I am too afraid to go on an airplane.. Have not been on one since I was like 10 years old.  One day though, because I would really love to see those places- the scenery, the food, the culture, everything! 

Atlantis Hotel (Bahamas)

(Paris, France)


(Venice, Italy)

Here is the link to add your own post to the link!  Finish This Link Up!

And don't fret if you don't have a blog, just add your responses in my comment section below! Happy Blogging! 

Prompts for WEEK 33 (August 20) is:
I feel stupid when
I hope I never
My one piece of advice to the world

Peace & Love

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