Saturday, October 18, 2014

Finish This #25!!

Welcome back to another week of the link-up Finish This! Hosted by 4 amazing ladies: Nicole, Jen, Lisa, & Becky! It is Week 41, but my week 25 of the link up!  The link up instructions are simple: answer the prompts on your blog. Then, add the post to the collection list using the link below. Next week’s prompts are located at the bottom of this post as well!

Here are my responses to this weeks prompts!

I feel like a bad-ass when... I am able to mark off all the items on my mental to do list at work- work as been super stressful lately, lots of changes, and some of the things on my "to do" list are harder than others and literally when I have gotten them done without shutting down and freaking out I have just been like boo ya! I feel all powerful lol! 

One thing that always cheers me up... My little brother Ryder.  He is my everything! His face, his smile, his laugh.  I wake up and he is there smiling at me, waiting for me to say hi to him, and I come home from work and he is just waiting to hang out with me.. He is the happiest almost 14 month old I know! I love him more than anything in this world.  He is even the picture on my lock screen! His hugs are the best! I mean c'mon isn't he the cutest?

The quote I live by... 

Thanks for stopping by, and.... Finish This Link Up!
Here is the link to add your own post to the link! 
And don't fret if you don't have a blog, just add your responses in my comment section below! Happy Blogging! 

Prompts or Week 42 (October 22th)
It took me a long time to realize
I surround myself with

Peace & Love

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