Saturday, October 25, 2014

Work Stress

Sooo, I have been at the same job for close to six years, and do not get me wrong, I honestly wouldn't have it any other way because it has been the most stable thing in my life.  It has seen me through so much, like college, cancer, falling in love, getting married, divorced and that was in between.  My workplace has been like my second home for all these years, being I have been spent more time there than my own home or anywhere else for that matter.  I have made it through six years of the revolving door of co-workers coming in and out, and even making a few friends out of some of them, that have become like a second family to me... Lately though a lot as been going on at my work.  It has become extremely overwhelming for me, both emotionally and physically, and sometimes I wonder if it is even worth it or not.  I work so incredibly hard all the time that on my days off I can barely function because I am so tired and sore, being on my feet for 8 to 12 hrs a day five days a week, it takes a toll on the body.  I can barely walk after my work days, and then my days off are spent sleeping in and spending the day in bed watching tv and getting nothing accomplished, and then half the time I have like a late afternoon nap too lol.  I have less time to do the things that I love, and that have been positive hobbies for me as of late, including blogging.  I have had so many ideas for blog posts, like "thursday thoughts" and "my top 10 lists" that I have not even been able to finish , as well as not being able to post about my brothers 21st birthday last month... My time doesn't even feel like my own anymore, and it feels kind of sucky.  Like is this really what I want? Is it really worth it?  Nothing is set in stone with my job right now, but I know whatever happens I will make it work, because I appreciate and need my job too much.. In my heart of hearts, I love my job and will stay at it for as long as they will have me.  It just has become a lot lately and I am like I said super overwhelmed!  
The question I pose to my readers is this, how do you deal with work stress, or even stress in general?  Coping mechanisms?  I am doing whatever I know to do to try and deal with it, but sometimes my coping skills don't work, and I just don't know what to do and I have these mental breakdowns! I just don't want all this overwhelming stress (that I feel could possibly be worth it in the end) to just break me to the point that really don't feel like it is worth it and I just give up and up and quit.  Especially after all these years and everything that I have been through and have done to get to this point at my job. 
 I am sure I am not alone in these feelings... and I know my work stress is nothing special, its normal, but the word that I keep using is just OVERWHELMING. help! lol.. 

I hope everyone is having a great weekend, and especially your work situation isn't as stressful right now as mine is currently... && I am so excited for Halloween next Friday.. I am going trick or treating with all the little ones, get ready for a special Halloween blog post next weekend!! 

Peace & Love

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